Category Archives: Branding

Our Songs and Your Tech News – Not So Different

It’s been a fun experience, starting a band (Bobby G and the Bohemians) with friends over the past few years – but it hasn’t been without its challenges. One can best be explained in an anecdote. In my effort to … Continue reading

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Did PR Help Make the Beatles the GOAT Band?

I sometimes play a game with friends, asking “Stones or Beatles, which band rules?” More than a few choose the Rolling Stones; I am solidly in the Beatles camp. They always impressed me as the best hit makers, with original … Continue reading

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PR Gets Personal

Personal branding; some love it and some dismiss it as an exercise in narcissism and self promotion. But promoting personalities vs. company brands is a key part of PR.  Whether you are old, young, building your own profile, or your … Continue reading

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Osaka Episode puts Media, Sports and Celebrity on Trial

By now you have likely heard of the biggest news from the first days of the French Open this past weekend.  It was actually about no news, or rather the refusal of one of the shining stars to engage in … Continue reading

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You’re out of your Bleeping PR Head – or Should be

Working in PR seems the reverse of the old quote: “I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member.” Groucho Marx The club, or field of PR, can disdain those who want to join; particularly people … Continue reading

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From Breakthrough IP to Market Leadership

Here is the third installment in my series about maximizing “secret sauce” in tech marketing. In the first post, I explored the meaning and history of the term, and shared examples. In the next one, I outlined steps to turn … Continue reading

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Start Making Sense: Helping Tech Brands tell their Stories

I love the band Talking Heads, and saw them for first time in college many years ago. Back then, I thought they had a cool name – but only found out that it refers to the disembodied heads of yakking … Continue reading

Posted in Agency news, Branding, Events, Interviews, Marketing, PR, Public Relations, Tech PR | 4 Comments

How to Overcome Startup PR Challenges

Some may assume that those who work in technology PR have similar gigs – but the assignments can vary substantially. First, almost every company is a tech company today, right?  So just adding “technology” to PR does not shed much … Continue reading

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Getting Political in Branding and Messaging

It used to be a much simpler world for brand development. The tough questions related to name, design, and color. If you were launching a new tech company circa the early 2000s, you might wonder whether to include a swoosh … Continue reading

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United we Brand? Top Reads on Corporate Activism

Should CEOs speak out on social, civil and political issues? Should brands take a stand? Back in the day (meaning just a few years ago) the answers were easier. It was a more innocent time and easier for businesses to … Continue reading

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