Tag Archives: ChatGPT

Help! The AI Ate my Web Search! Will SEO Ever be the Same?

Your company has fought long and hard to climb in the search engine results. But SEO is changing, driven by AI and new ways in which we find info and answers online. Is it time to panic? How can companies … Continue reading

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Want to get PR Buzz Like Apple? Just Ask ChatGPT How

I saw a MarketingProfs story about the state of generative AI in PR. The article,  written by Ayaz Nanji, includes stats from a recent MuckRack survey that show growing adoption: Some 64% of PR professionals say they are exploring the … Continue reading

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Defining PR: Top Tips, AI Tools and Takeaways

I enjoyed participating in the Defining PR roundtable on Twitter Spaces recently, which was organized and led by Stephen Karaolis, founder of Pear The Agency and AI startup PR Labs (more on this below). It was a great panel and … Continue reading

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Learn How ChatGPT and AI are Transforming PR

The last two PR: Done and Doner podcasts focused on ChatGPT and AI in PR. In Episode 16, we invited a panel comprising Fusion PR account directors Mark Prindle and Diana Bost, and Stefano Pacifico, CEO and Co-founder of Epistemic … Continue reading

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My Crazy Ex-chat Friend

In my last post I blogged that OpenAI found the perfect PR and buzz creation vehicle with ChatGPT. It’s engaging, and early users have loved sharing their experiences with the AI (variously, delightful, amazing and mystifying). The buzz has been … Continue reading

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Have your AI Pitch my AI, We’ll Do Lunch

“Have your people call my people, we’ll do lunch.” So goes the old Hollywood schmooze about dealmaking. But can we be far off from a day when it is AI that brokers the deals? ChatGPT got me thinking about this. … Continue reading

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