Category Archives: PR

Did PR Help Make the Beatles the GOAT Band?

I sometimes play a game with friends, asking “Stones or Beatles, which band rules?” More than a few choose the Rolling Stones; I am solidly in the Beatles camp. They always impressed me as the best hit makers, with original … Continue reading

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PR that Minor News? Research into Poltical Yard Signs Holds an Answer

I have been working with PR teams for over twenty years.  In all that time, some of the same questions keep coming up about press releases. No, not “is the press release dead yet?” The one I had in mind … Continue reading

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Want to get PR Buzz Like Apple? Just Ask ChatGPT How

I saw a MarketingProfs story about the state of generative AI in PR. The article,  written by Ayaz Nanji, includes stats from a recent MuckRack survey that show growing adoption: Some 64% of PR professionals say they are exploring the … Continue reading

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No Bad PR? A Single Story Felled These Three Giants

Some say there’s no such thing as bad publicity. The very idea seems harmless enough, right?  After all, the only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about. But most people I know who work in PR … Continue reading

Posted in Campaign Analysis, Crisis Management, Current Affairs, In the News, Interviews, PR, Public Relations | 2 Comments

Crisis Management Lessons from the Latest Influencer Scandals

I enjoyed chatting with Eric Yaverbaum for our podcast recently. If you don’t know the name, you probably should – especially if you run in NYC PR circles. He is CEO of Ericho Communications⁠ and author of Public Relations for Dummies and Leadership … Continue reading

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That PR Campaign Rocked it – So Where’s our site Traffic?

I’ve had many conversations about the PR and website traffic connection. They often sound something like this. “We had a great PR campaign! Where’s all our site traffic?!!” This inevitably leads to questions and recriminations: Understanding the PR and SEO … Continue reading

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The King is Dead – Long Live the Press Statement

I am a big fan of the show Succession, an HBO Max drama about family media empire Waystar Royco, run by aging patriarch Logan Roy (played by Brian Cox with snarling intensity). PR is well-integrated into almost every episode, amidst storylines … Continue reading

Posted in Campaign Analysis, In the News, Podcast, PR | 2 Comments

PR – a Great Value in a Recession?

Some emails hit my inbox this week that lifted my mood, with news about the value of PR in a recession. One was from an old friend and Fusion PR partner, Drew Neiser, CEO and founder of Renegade Marketing.  He … Continue reading

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Boo! Now will you cover my PR?

Tapping emotions is a time-honored tactic in PR and marketing.  This can involve fear-mongering.  Scaring folks can be a great attention-getter, particularly if you are promoting solutions in areas like cyebrsecurity, public safety and infrastructure protection. The reasons relate to … Continue reading

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Acting the Part (of Thought Leader and Spokesperson)

I had the great pleasure of meeting Brette Goldstein when my old friend Jeffrey Koeppel introduced us a while back. He’s a Maryland-based corporate, securities, and M&A lawyer who knows Brette from his work in the film business. Brette is … Continue reading

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