Category Archives: Fun Stuff

Did PR Help Make the Beatles the GOAT Band?

I sometimes play a game with friends, asking “Stones or Beatles, which band rules?” More than a few choose the Rolling Stones; I am solidly in the Beatles camp. They always impressed me as the best hit makers, with original … Continue reading

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PR Golden Turkey Awards, 2022

It has been way too long since I have posted a PR Golden Turkey Awards. But circumnstances scream for a reboot, in this special “Tech Billionaires Gone Wild” episode. No two people are more deserving of this award than the … Continue reading

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Top Tech Words to Banish in 2022

Every year Lake Superior State University publishes a list of words that should be banished because they are so overused.  It’s based on thousands of submissions from around the world.  As reported in CNN. The 2021 list includes an interesting … Continue reading

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Tales from the Tech PR Bunker

Folks, I know I haven’t been writing here as much, Sorry for the interruption. These are unusual times. But the show must go on, right?  People are stuck at home and clamoring for distraction and new episodes, er, posts. So … Continue reading

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Getting Political in Branding and Messaging

It used to be a much simpler world for brand development. The tough questions related to name, design, and color. If you were launching a new tech company circa the early 2000s, you might wonder whether to include a swoosh … Continue reading

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Google, you Complete Me! (A warm Thanksgiving tale)

It started several months ago. I was writing a Gmail when grey words mysteriously appeared ahead of my typing. “Hmmm, must be some new functionality,” I thought.  Then: “Hey, this just might be interesting and useful!” The suggested words did … Continue reading

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Lessons in Tech Branding from Rock Icons

Inspiration can come from funny places – if you are in tech marketing, perhaps you’ll like the following story about branding, which offers lessons from the world of rock music. The Music and Branding Connection I am a big fan … Continue reading

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The Martians Have Landed, Your Pitch Stinks, We’re All Going to Die!!!

I was glued to third Republican presidential debate last night, watching for signs of intelligent life , when the show cut to an important announcement. It said: “Ladies and gentlemen, we interrupt our program to bring you a special bulletin … Continue reading

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Better Call Saul the PR Hound

I really loved the AMC show Breaking Bad.  It seems like only yesterday that my girlfriend and I binged on it, getting through all the seasons in a couple of months. This time I wanted to get an early start … Continue reading

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Lowbrow Branding Effort

There are so many important stories that I can be blogging about. The Supreme Court Decision on Obama's healthcare plan, for example, and how certain cable networks got the news wrong at first. There is also the Ann Curry affair … Continue reading

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