Category Archives: Fun Stuff

If Data Center Tech Were Marketed like the Republican Candidates

I heard about the latest out of a seemingly endless number of Republican debates, and thought back in amusement about a comment a friend posted on his Facebook page.  He said, sarcastically I hope, that he was looking forward to … Continue reading

Posted in Campaign Analysis, Current Affairs, Events, Fun Stuff | 1 Comment

Louis CK Conquers Media, Heeds Mom’s Advice: Just Tell Them Everything

Louis CK is a comic hero for every man, an unkempt alternative to the more mainstream comedians (think Seinfeld or Dane Cook).  He is irreverent, dark and just plain damn funny. I have greatly enjoyed Louie's work, inlcuding his  FX … Continue reading

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Water Cooler Chat: Movies to See if you are in PR

Someone at Fusion sent around an email recommending a documentary, I replied, and before you knew it we had a lively thread about good movies to see if you are in PR – and fodder for this blog post. I … Continue reading

Posted in Fun Stuff, PR | 6 Comments

It’s Green Day here in NY

Fusion painted the company green today. No, not green as in money or green tech, I mean “painting” quite literally – the Fusion PR New York team took a little break to coat the walls of its office in bright … Continue reading

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When Worlds – and Online Friends – Collide

I was running an educational session on using social media to further media relations objectives here at Fusion PR. Towards the end, we allowed time for people to share their experiences and thoughts. While most seemed to agree that it … Continue reading

Posted in Fun Stuff, PR Tech | 2 Comments

Fancy Ketchup (“Squirt in Mouth and Just Add Fries!”)

Does anyone like those ketchup packets that they hand out at delis and fast food places? Wall Street Journal wrote yesterday about this, and a new one that Heinz will be coming out with to improve on the ketchup packet … Continue reading

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Abercrombie & Fitch Lob Grenade at Jersey Shore Cast

Ah, the delicate and complicated dance between journalism and PR. We tempt them with our pitches. We run campaigns, events and sometimes stunts to get their attention and coverage. Many journalists say they are beyond our influence and ignore our … Continue reading

Posted in Campaign Analysis, Current Affairs, Fun Stuff, In the News | Comments Off on Abercrombie & Fitch Lob Grenade at Jersey Shore Cast

Towards A More Refined Publicity Stunt

The publicity stunt is the carnival sideshow of PR.  Sure, they are used and sometimes get great results across many different types of programs and industries; having said that, I think most would agree that stunts don't show off the … Continue reading

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Bye Bye, BlackBerry

It was with mixed emotions that I laid down my BlackBerry and picked up a DroidX. Bye bye, BrickBreaker. Bye bye, Blackberry Messenger. The move was driven by equal parts device envy and the need to be on the cutting … Continue reading

Posted in Fun Stuff, PR Tech | 1 Comment

SMAFUs: What they are and how to avoid them

A colleague burst into my office, concerned over an update she had seen on LinkedIn that led her to believe one of our top people had left the agency for another job. Later that same day, our LA manager sent … Continue reading

Posted in Fun Stuff, Web/Tech | 2 Comments