Category Archives: Campaign Analysis

Turn Your Secret Sauce into a PR Asset with these 4 Steps

In my last post I explained the history and significance of secret sauce, or IP, in tech marketing. I also laid out the challenges of getting PR mileage from your core tech. To summarize, “secret sauce” underpins a solution or component.  … Continue reading

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Robin Schaffer on Maximizing Analyst Relations

It was a while since I last checked in with Robin Schaffer, when I saw on LinkedIn that she’d just published a book: Analysts on Analyst Relations. We know Robin from our work on former client NICE Systems. She managed … Continue reading

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Secret Sauce: What it is, and How to Apply for best PR Results

It can go by various names.  IP (short for intellectual property). Or proprietary tech. Or keys to the kingdom.   I like “secret sauce”.   Most who work in IT understand that this refers to the magical ingredient that sets a technology or solution … Continue reading

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How NOT to Launch an October Surprise: PR Takeaways from Trump’s Failed Attempt

An “October surprise” is news that magically “happens” before a November election, just in time to throw a wrench in the works. Politico says they can be “happenstance or deliberately orchestrated;” the article lists examples going back to 1840.  More recently, the … Continue reading

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Breaking Down PR’s Fourth Wall with ABM

The fourth wall is a figurative one at the foot of a stage (the other three walls shape the room of the set).  Actors breach this wall when they talk to the audience.  Similarly, PR is being challenged to break … Continue reading

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PR – An Essential Business? Tips for Keeping Your Sanity, Job and Relationships in a Pandemic

It’s dark in here.  Let me find the light switch.  There you go.  Hey, where is everybody? It sure is quiet. These are the thoughts you might have, if you work in PR in the Age of Coronavirus. People are bunkered … Continue reading

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Is that paid PR Opportunity worth it? 5 Experts Chime In

They come in various flavors.  The too-good-to-be-true TV spot.  The “Pssst I can get you into XXXX, guaranteed, just pay me $YYYY.”  The endless procession of awards and articles with price tags attached. Many PR people reflexively dismiss these and … Continue reading

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The Call was Perfect! The PR pitch, Even Better!!

Recently, we’ve heard a lot about a phone call between a certain U.S. leader and a Ukrainian head of state. The call was said to be perfect at least by the former, and it must be true because he’s said it not … Continue reading

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How to Contain PR Fallout from a Cyber-attack

Fusion PR works extensively in the cyber security space. We are often asked about how to handle the PR fallout from breaches. What are the similarities and differences with other kinds of crisis management? I decided to answer these questions … Continue reading

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The Do’s and Don’ts Of Handling A PR Crisis

This post is by David H. Lasker, Founder and CEO of News Exposure   Your company’s hard-won reputation is an immeasurable asset. Start with the fact that your bottom line is built on customer trust. Add the likelihood that employees … Continue reading

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