Search Results for: PR Death Watch

Romney Event Illustrates the Death of the Photo Op (PR Death Watch Continues)

I have not kept up with my PR Death Watch series, posts about the changes that have been rocking the PR field, and the dangers of not adapting (the last post about this was in 2010, see Circle of Life … Continue reading

Posted in Campaign Analysis, Current Affairs, PR, PR Tech | 1 Comment

PR Death Watch Continues

The PR death watch continues.  On a Foremski-inspired rampage, I have previously gone after some sacred cows (see Death of Media Relations) and nothing can stop me now.  After all, what could a blog called Flack’s Revenge possibly be about … Continue reading

Posted in PR | 11 Comments

PR Deathwatch #4: Prepared Statements and PR Speak

Here’s a quick review of the PR Death Watch list as it stands, and my latest installment.  The various topics together paint a picture of how our field has been changing. PR Death Watch Continues Endangered PR “Species” Continued Death … Continue reading

Posted in PR Tech | 1 Comment

No Bad PR? A Single Story Felled These Three Giants

Some say there’s no such thing as bad publicity. The very idea seems harmless enough, right?  After all, the only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about. But most people I know who work in PR … Continue reading

Posted in Campaign Analysis, Crisis Management, Current Affairs, In the News, Interviews, PR, Public Relations | 2 Comments

Friends from Israeli Tech Speak out on the Conflict, PR and Media

I have been blogging about the war in Israel, as you may have read. It hits close to home, as I have family there, and Fusion PR works extensively with the Israeli tech sector. But it is not my home. … Continue reading

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No, PR’s Not Dead Yet. Doing Just Fine Thanks! But Try Again Next Year

Many wish to continue to write off public relations and kick it to the curb – by coldly saying that the profession and/or its trappings are dead. First it was gripes about the press release, and in the latest example, … Continue reading

Posted in In the News, Tech PR, Technology | Tagged , | 1 Comment

Better Call Saul the PR Hound

I really loved the AMC show Breaking Bad.  It seems like only yesterday that my girlfriend and I binged on it, getting through all the seasons in a couple of months. This time I wanted to get an early start … Continue reading

Posted in Current Affairs, Fun Stuff, PR, Public Relations, Reading Files | Comments Off on Better Call Saul the PR Hound

PR’s Dr. Death is at it Again (How Real is the Threat from Google)?

There has been much buzz about Google’s new Webmaster rules, in the wake of Tom Foremski’s article: Did Google Just Kill PR Agencies? (My friend and former Fusionite Chris Michaels alerted me to the story; thanks, Chris!) Foremski has something … Continue reading

Posted in PR Tech, Tech PR, Web/Tech, Writing Tips | Comments Off on PR’s Dr. Death is at it Again (How Real is the Threat from Google)?

4 “Present Shock” Trends – and What they Mean for PR

I interviewed author Doug Rushkoff in March ago regarding his book, Present Shock. In the book, Doug discusses trends that effect how we live, communicate and soak up and produce info and culture. One of the most startling relates to … Continue reading

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The Circle of Life in PR

Death is part of life. Predators feast on prey, thinning herds and improving the health of the greater ecosystem.  Carrion fertilizes the fields.  Fauna bloom and provide sustenance for the herds. And, so, the cycle continues. The circle of life … Continue reading

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