Category Archives: In the News

No, PR’s Not Dead Yet. Doing Just Fine Thanks! But Try Again Next Year

Many wish to continue to write off public relations and kick it to the curb – by coldly saying that the profession and/or its trappings are dead. First it was gripes about the press release, and in the latest example, … Continue reading

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Osaka Episode puts Media, Sports and Celebrity on Trial

By now you have likely heard of the biggest news from the first days of the French Open this past weekend.  It was actually about no news, or rather the refusal of one of the shining stars to engage in … Continue reading

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Tesla Slams the Brakes on PR

The EV blog  Electrek broke the news last week that Tesla is dissolving its PR department.  Editor-in-chief  Fred Lambert’s story covered journalists’ growing frustrations with the comms team leading up to its shutdown. He wrote: Electrek can confirm that Tesla has dissolved … Continue reading

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The Pandemic Forever Changed these Words

It’s hard to think of anything in our lifetimes that’s so taken over our lives and attention. We’re all trying to adapt, with the best minds tackling the Covid health and economic crises, and focused on getting us back to … Continue reading

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Tales from the Tech PR Bunker

Folks, I know I haven’t been writing here as much, Sorry for the interruption. These are unusual times. But the show must go on, right?  People are stuck at home and clamoring for distraction and new episodes, er, posts. So … Continue reading

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Taking on the PR Agency Haters

It is once again de rigueur to slam PR agencies. I learned this from a prospect who clued me in to a podcast and Forbes article (the former by uber influencers who should know better; the latter was generally negative … Continue reading

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The Call was Perfect! The PR pitch, Even Better!!

Recently, we’ve heard a lot about a phone call between a certain U.S. leader and a Ukrainian head of state. The call was said to be perfect at least by the former, and it must be true because he’s said it not … Continue reading

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Just DON’T It: Brands Fight Culture Wars at their Peril

Should brands get involved in culture wars? E.g. some thought that Nike was very shrewd in hiring Colin Kaepernick as a brand ambassador.  He’s polarizing, but the bold move seemed to sync with their brand.  For the uninitiated, Kaepernick is … Continue reading

Posted in Branding, In the News, PR, Public Relations | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

Cheap Trick: Great Band, Lousy B2B Growth Strategy

It’s tough to launch and grow a successful business, and tempting to look for shortcuts. And why not? We’ve all heard about the magical growth hacks; the campaigns that went viral, the PR home runs that crashed servers and exploded … Continue reading

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Welcome to the Self-correcting Media Maelstrom

If you’re a news and politics junkie like me, it’s been a head-spinning couple of weeks. First, a Buzzfeed article claimed that Donald Trump asked Michael Cohen to lie to Congress. Other media swarmed around the story, feeding 24 hours … Continue reading

Posted in Current Affairs, In the News, Public Relations, Social Media, Technology, Web 2.0 | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment