Author Archives: rgeller

No Bad PR? A Single Story Felled These Three Giants

Some say there’s no such thing as bad publicity. The very idea seems harmless enough, right?  After all, the only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about. But most people I know who work in PR … Continue reading

Posted in Campaign Analysis, Crisis Management, Current Affairs, In the News, Interviews, PR, Public Relations | 2 Comments

Friends from Israeli Tech Speak out on the Conflict, PR and Media

I have been blogging about the war in Israel, as you may have read. It hits close to home, as I have family there, and Fusion PR works extensively with the Israeli tech sector. But it is not my home. … Continue reading

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Former Israeli PM to US Media: “Do Your Jobs, Show the Truth!”

The conflict stemming from Hamas’s attack on Israel has reopened wounds and laid bare raw emotions related to the unsettled state of affairs there. Many are voicing strong opinions and I am disheartened to see all the anti-Israel sentiment. To … Continue reading

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PR During Wartime: an FAQ

I am Jewish, love Israel, and have friends, family and clients there. But you don’t have to be Jewish or any of the above to be horrified by the attack on Israel. The details can leave you speechless.  A client … Continue reading

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Crisis Management Lessons from the Latest Influencer Scandals

I enjoyed chatting with Eric Yaverbaum for our podcast recently. If you don’t know the name, you probably should – especially if you run in NYC PR circles. He is CEO of Ericho Communications⁠ and author of Public Relations for Dummies and Leadership … Continue reading

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Looking forward to the next posts and podcasts

Things are a bit slow due to the summer schedule but please stay tuned!

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PR Gets Personal

Personal branding; some love it and some dismiss it as an exercise in narcissism and self promotion. But promoting personalities vs. company brands is a key part of PR.  Whether you are old, young, building your own profile, or your … Continue reading

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Defining PR: Top Tips, AI Tools and Takeaways

I enjoyed participating in the Defining PR roundtable on Twitter Spaces recently, which was organized and led by Stephen Karaolis, founder of Pear The Agency and AI startup PR Labs (more on this below). It was a great panel and … Continue reading

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Greg Hartley on How to Increase the Power of your Message with Body Language

I am constantly searching for podcast and YouTube content to enjoy while I am out running or driving.  The ones I like most are about music and true crime. Through the latter interest I discovered the Behavior Panel, a YouTube … Continue reading

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That PR Campaign Rocked it – So Where’s our site Traffic?

I’ve had many conversations about the PR and website traffic connection. They often sound something like this. “We had a great PR campaign! Where’s all our site traffic?!!” This inevitably leads to questions and recriminations: Understanding the PR and SEO … Continue reading

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