New eBook on Market Positioning

At Fusion PR, we have teamed up with Silicon Valley tech marketing and strategy guru Rebel Brown on many successful product launches and company rebranding/turnaround efforts.

I am pleased to let you know that Rebel’s new eBook It’s Not About You Anymore, P.S. It Never Was is out now (free download, no registration required).  It describes her approach to developing positioning that works.

According to the book:

Buyers do not use marketing propaganda to make decisions – whether they are consumers or B2B buyers. Buyers want credible evidence – and they don’t necessarily view vendors as the best source for those credible facts. Besides, B2B customers can find out every ‘truth’ they want to know about you. Give them a search engine and they are off and running on a factfinding frenzy. And thanks to social media – not all they learn will be facts. They’ll learn how others feel about your business. Market perception is more important than ever before.

Rebel reminds us that every position needs to be unique, discusses how to develop a positioning matrix, and explains the importance of focusing on the “pivot points” regarding your market, company and solutions.

The book offers great advice for anyone involved in tech PR and marketing, I strongly recommend it.

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