WikiLeak Cables Reveal a Diplomatic Borat Moment

My post yesterday about diplomatic cables and PR writing referenced a passage that quoted a Kazakhstan  Borat
ambassador.  A commenter speculated that Sacha Baron Cohen is incorporating this into his next movie – I responded that the New York Times article in question already included a passage about Borat.

Here it is:

The embassy in Kazakhstan met many of Mr. Hoagland’s standards for cable-writing, even before he became ambassador there. Cables about Kazakhstan’s high-living leaders are written in a satirical tone worthy of Borat, the fictional (and wild) Kazakh played in the movie by Sacha Baron Cohen.

One described Kazakhstan’s defense minister turning up drunk for a meeting with an American official, “slouching back in his chair and slurring all kinds of Russian participles.” He explained that he had just been at a cadet graduation reception, “toasting Kazakhstan’s newly-commissioned officers.”

The memo concluded: “Who was toasted more — the defense minister or the cadets — is a matter of pure speculation.”

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One Response to WikiLeak Cables Reveal a Diplomatic Borat Moment

  1. Is a crisis, it is just a PR embarrassment. There zero discussion about Clinton’s secretary has resigned, nor is it possible that no U.S. diplomats wrote a cable that is being leaked as a result will resign. cables are most Western governments are not strong rejection and condemnation expressed attributedSome.

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