Goodbye, Tim and George

First Tim Russert and then George Carlin – it has been a rough couple of weeks as we have lost two icons that I grew up with and loved – both suddenly and unexpectedly, both from heart problems, and now we have heavy hearts.

I loved to watch Tim because I love politics.  To me, he showed no obvious bias and seemed to be equally tough on both Republicans and Democrats.  Although some identified him with the left (righty hot head Mark Levin called the show "Meet the Depressed"), Tim’s trademark confrontational but plain-spoken style seemed to be both feared (by those who went before him) and respected by all.

It was only during the many eulogies after his sudden death that I learned that Tim was  a PR guy for Pat Moynihan at one point early in his career.

Carlin – what can you say about him but that he was a comedic genius.  I sometimes found his radical anti-business, anarchist views a little grating, but that is quibbling.  His contributions to the world of comedy and our culture are incalculable.

Although I am sure he’d rip apart the world in which me and my readers live in (his riff on "soft language," which was mentioned in his NY Times obit – see the YouTube video  – comes close), I loved George for his love of words.  He was the ultimate everyman hipster, his timing and delivery impeccable and his material original and cutting.

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